Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Mic Mac Mall Back to School Campaign

Regarding this campaign, I honestly think that the message is completely sexist and demeaning towards women. The way they designed their campaign was poorly thought out and executed. Firstly, a Back to School campaign should not be souly directed towards women considering that school is unisex. Secondly, they executed their designs using very insulting stereotypes. The messages they use to advertise back to school shopping suggest that women are nothing but a pretty face. They make women seem as if they are incompetent in subjects such as science and social studies. 

Whether they included young men in their ads, judging on the way they executed them, they would still receive negative feedback from viewers. I think that it would be insulting either way. In my personal opinion, I think that they should completely redesign and plan their campaign in a nondestructive way.

In this particular case, I don't think that the agency gets shoppers at all. The reasons being that:
1. They are only targeting half of the school population
2. They aren't sending the right message across
3. Their ads are insulting

I think ultimately this campaign turned away many consumers, or at least made them think twice about shopping at the mall. The fact that they donated a cheque of $5000 helped with their apology, but I think that there will always be a black mark on their reputation.

Regarding the ads on The Mic Mac Mall's Facebook page and website, I find these advertisements to be a little less insulting towards the intelligence and school priorities of women, but I still find them to be a little offensive considering that shopping is not only for women. They have failed to consider the possibility of shopping to be unisex.

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